Detailed program


Session 1: Opening and Keynote

Ian M. Mitchell
Reproducible Research: Failures, Successes, Challenges and (Re)Setting the Bar
10:0010:30Coffee Break

Session 2: Benchmarking IoT Devices and Networks

10:3010:55Jonathan Fürst, Kaifei Chen, Hyung-Sin Kim, Philippe BonnetEvaluating Bluetooth Low Energy for IoT
10:5511:40Invited talk
Peter Torelli
IoTMark™-BLE: How a Consortium Solved the IoT Benchmarking Problem
11:4012:05Carlo Alberto Boano et al.IoTBench: Towards a Benchmark for Low-power Wireless Networking
12:0512:30Markus Schuss, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay RömerMoving Beyond Competitions: Extending D-Cube to Seamlessly Benchmark Low-Power Wireless Systems
12:3014:00Lunch break

Session 3: Benchmarking CPS

14:0014:25Dominik Baumann, Fabian Mager, Harsoveet Singh, Marco Zimmerling, Sebastian TrimpeEvaluating Low-Power Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems
14:2514:50Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stephan Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Samuele Zoppi, Fabio Molinari, Richard Schöffauer, Wolfgang Kellerer, Georg CarleBenchmarking Networked Control Systems
14:5015:15Daniel Schemmel, Mirko Stoffers, René Glebke, Klaus WehrleTowards Benchmark Optimization by Automated Equivalence Detection
15:1515:45Coffee break

Session 4: From Control and Localization Back to IoT Networks

15:4516:30Invited talk
Calin Belta
Formal Synthesis of Control Strategies for Dynamical Systems
16:3016:55Milad Heydariaan, Hessam Mohammadmoradi, Omprakash GnawaliToward Standard Non-line-of-sight Benchmarking of Ultra-wideband Radio-based Localization
16:5517:20Malisa Vucinic, Milica Pejanovic-Durisic, Thomas WatteyneSODA: 6TiSCH Open Data Action
17:2017:45Open discussion and wrap-up